Spiritual Resistance and manifestation

This concept always gets my brain spinning. The idea of what you resist persists. In this tumultuous time in our history I find it hard not to resist or push against the current system.

Does this mean we are supposed to sit back and meditate it all away? Perhaps that is some of our journey and is valid. For me, being a Capricorn (among other strong willed astrological signs), I find that I constantly feel the intuition to do something about our current system failures.

But the question is… How do we do this in a way that is not in a state of resistance. Well I certainly don’t have it down perfect and may never have the “right” answer but here is what is working for me currently.

  1. Be the example of what you want to see in the world. Be the change you want to see. So many times we get caught up in what everyone else is doing and try to stop it. When we could just be our authentic self.

  2. Find your tribe, your community. Work together on common goals. Divide and conquer. Too long have we been going it alone. Too long have we lost our sense of community, of helping each other. This has us tired, overworked, and overwhelmed. Let’s share the load and come out stronger.

  3. The trickiest part is staying in a heart space. I am still working on this daily. We have to remember all people want is to feel safe (root chakra and sacral chakra). The trouble is that this safety looks different for different people. For me safety looks like clean air, water and soil, organic food, hormone and pesticide free food, pesticide free environment, holistic health, medical freedom, freedom to live in a housing of your choice, gardening, community, collaboration. For others safety looks like vaccines, pharmaceuticals, oil, coal, chemicals, laws, mandates, and restrictions. The place where we find peace is where we all have a choice. You can choose to vaccinate, I can choose not to. You can choose pharmaceuticals, I can choose food supplements, chiro, energy healing, acupuncture, meditation, organic food, and craniosacral. You can choose to wear a mask. I can choose not to. EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO DO WHAT MAKES THEM FEEL SAFE. NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO FORCE WHAT MAKES THEM FEEL SAFE ONTO OTHER PEOPLE. For example, I would personally never have an abortion, but I would never take away that right from another woman. I will never take a pharmaceutical drug, but I would never tell someone else they can’t.

  4. Some of us are here to hold space and vibration. Some of us are here to make waves and educate others. Some of us are here to create a new society. Every role is valid and beautiful.

  5. Inspire! We can all inspire others in big and small ways. Talk about your shadows, talk about your triumphs, and be authentic. Our spiritual community must shift away from the rainbows and unicorns mentality and get real with our many emotions, struggles and triumphs. Sometimes we dumb down our accomplishments to not seem “ego centered”, other times we only post positive things in social media to seem “spiritual enough”. Let’s start by being our authentic self. This is Earth School after all… which means we are here to have emotions, to rise, to fall, and to rise again.

  6. Things will get worse before they get better. (This was written July 2020). This is. It to scare you but if you think we hit rock bottom, we haven’t. The old systems will fight for their power as long as they can. The astrologers are predicting something big in September, so take the preparations necessary. But again, do so in a way that is heart centered and without fear. This just means do the things that raise your vibration, make you feel grounded, and vibrant.

    We will come out of this anew! We will rise! We will create something beautiful. Do I believe this everyday? Of course not! I see the way people think and I lose hope. And then a friend texts me or a lightworker speaks their truth, or someone accomplishes their dreams and my hope is restored. We will overcome!


Grounding with essential oils.

Vetiver is a great way to stay grounded in these highly energetic times. As we shift to a high consciousness it helps to keep us grounded. Walk barefoot outside, sit by a tree, sit on the ground and imagine the energy comping from the stars, down through your heart and down your body. Imagine a bright green light cleansing the trapped emotions and they get transmuted as they flow trough Mother Earth. Then imagine it flowing back to the heavens. Image below on what you can visualize. Repeat as necessary. My favorite places to put the drop of vetiver my feet or ankles, wrists, third eye or under my nose.


Heart Chakra Healing

Let’s give those heart chakras some attention this week! In the missed of what feels like chaos let’s stay grounded and centered. I use a lot of these YouTube frequencies to help center myself. You can also eat green food, use green crystals or imagine a bright ball of green light clearing out your heart chakra. Rose quartz, rose tea, or rose essential oil helps as well. https://youtu.be/74uQghVd9Mo

Balancing the Divine Masculine & Feminine

Intuitive symbol of the day: The divine feminine and masculine are seeking balance in our world. It is not to judge either one as good or bad. We all have tendencies to be polarized with one being much stronger than the other. This is not a bad thing. It just means we do our best to find balance. I run with more masculine energy, so I find ways to create, flow, dance, inspire. When I feel too much in my head I do the things that bring in divine feminine energy. Which energy is more present in your life? What things help you find balance? These energies are not to be confused with gender as we all carry both within ourselves. Having a husband and two sons in my life has created the opportunity for me to heal the divine masculine. We went from honoring masculine energy to hating it. Instead let’s honor the value of both aspects of ourselves and others. There are times that I need my masculine energy to propel me forward. There are times when I need to flow, rest, and be heart centered. We are shifting away from judging things as good or bad. Would love to hear how you balance the two in your life!

Autom drawing of a symbol represenTing the Divine masculine and feminine in balance

Autom drawing of a symbol represenTing the Divine masculine and feminine in balance

Inspiration From Moana

Do you know who you are? The scene from Moana always struck home for me. Her heart was taken from her and once she reconnected with her heart center she blossomed. Too long have we let the divine masculine rule. We must find both the divine feminine and masculine and heal the centuries of trauma and misalignment. It’s not about forgetting the divine masculine for when in balance the masculine side of us encourages us to move forward, organize , and succeed. There is much to heal with both. Start small. Start by letting your heart guide you. Start with self acceptance. Start with self love. It is a long journey but it’s worth it. “I have crossed the horizon to find you (Ou loto mamaina toa) I know your name (Manatu atu) They have stolen the heart from inside you (Taku pelepele) But this does not define you (Manatunatu) This is not who you are You know who you are” https://youtu.be/f81_F16rDlI


Pleiadian Channel May 2020

Crystal of the day(photos from Sacred Crystals by Hazel Raven) Pleidian Channeling for the day: Dear ones, What confusing times we are in. This is not to discourage you. This is a time to awaken your intuitive gifts. You see we all have the gift of intuition if we clean our bodies, minds, and spirit to be able to access this information. Start with decalcifying your pineal gland by eliminating toxins, heavy metals, and fluoride/chlorine. Heal your gut with biome healing protocols, such as bone broth, pre/pro biotics, non gmo food, pesticide free food, hormone and antibiotic free food. Dear ones, it is meant to be confusing as your society strips away the old and seeks out new systems. This will be a long process, so as soon as you can get out of the energy of “things will go back to normal” the sooner you can start to crate a new normal. Start your visualizations of what you want to create. Assemble your team and begin anew. We are sending love, light, and higher vibrations to your planet to assist. We are not your saviors. It is a free will zone, so we can only offer our version of guidance and love. No one is your savior dear one. As a collective you must seek answers and community. We see your despair and sadness. Feel it and let it go dear ones. You have so much potential. Trust in the process, your journey and trust in yourself. We send you love and calming energy as you seek your truth. Much love beautiful ones. We are the Pleidian Council and we thank you for this time with us. Channeled 5/11/20 by Emily Gerde


Every Day is Mother’s Day

Every day is Mother’s Day for me! I have two amazing healthy, intact, natural immunity, organic eating, nature loving, breastfed, gentle/mindful patented, happy boys. The best part of being a mom is that every day they teach me about myself and the world. They are our greatest teachers! So blessed to be a mom and to be able to be along the ride for my boys’ journeys. Thanks for choosing me little ones!


Find Your Tribe

Current mood.... What are you doing dear friend to create love and joy and connection in your life? Find your tribe. Life isn’t going back to “normal”... normal wasn’t working. Start local. Find those you connect with and be ready to create your new reality. Shift your thinking to creation, and away from “things will go back to normal.” Be informed but not fearful. For if enough of us believe in a beautiful future, then that is what we will create. Sending love to you all!


Freedom in Choices

I have been called an idiot, heartless, stupid, dangerous, dumb, retarded, etc. in the last few months. Of course it still stings a bit, but what I have realized is people are speaking out of their fear. I get tempted to say it back but what good does that do? To spread hate and anger only perpetuates the problem. You are afraid and I get that. However, the very people saying they want to protect people are saying that those of us are not in fear should go ahead and get the virus and die🤷🏼‍♀️ I am not sure the logic here. So you only want those to live who stay in their homes 🤷🏼‍♀️. Why are we yelling at each other? Why are we spreading hate and fear? Why does my choice bother you when I am the one who has their rights taken away? You can stay safe at home if that’s what makes you feel safe, you can choose not to work, you can keep you kids from activities, you can live the way you want. The difference is I can’t. Perhaps we should live a life where we can do anything that does not take away someone else’s freedom. Yes I realize that can get complicated but perhaps we are over complicating things. You do you, while I do me. I choose living, I choose nature, I choose fresh air, I choice medical freedom, I choose holistic health, I choose organic food. Why does that bother you? Why do you have to take that away from me? You can still have your shelter at home, your tv, your mask, your vaccine, your pharmaceuticals, your gmos. You don’t have to take away my choice to have yours. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE! My choices don’t take away your freedom to live the way you want! So let’s let each other live our best lives the way that makes us feel safe.


The Peaceful Warrior

Current vibe ... The peaceful warrior. I spent most my life striving, fighting, pushing, achieving. These are of course valid, but I forgot to balance with creation, flow, beauty, and patience. I move forward smarter, more balanced, and calmer. I keep the passion, but drop the anger. I stay focused, but let things flow. I create instead of fight against. Let’s create something beautiful together. The current affairs are not the new normal, this is not my realty. I embody the peaceful warrior! 🧝‍♀️💗🧚‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️👽⭐️🧙🏻‍♀️🧞‍♀️


Choose Hope

Channeling the energy of calm observation like a child. Resting when we need rest, eating when we need to eat, slowing down when we need to process the day. I have faith in humanity because I am choosing the perspective of hope, of change, of love. Join me! Choose hope! We are creators, big and small! You don’t need to change the whole world. Change your little world, the one inside you, the one inside your home and when you are rest expand out to the world. Everyday I work to explore my anger and why I feel the way I do. Do not push the feelings aside. We must feel our emotions, process them, and then let them go. Don’t dwell in them forever. I have been here before. I have seen the ravage of humanity, of the earth, but I choose a new beginning. What do you choose?


It’s All About Choices

When I get asked “why should we do this, why should we do that? When I get asked why this is all happening. We have created this for ourselves. We have allowed this to happen. We all want what is best for ourselves and for our children. Do we not all want to be happy, healthy and safe? The only problem is what gives us those things is different for everyone. Do my children not matter as much as yours. There is only one path forward and that path is everyone gets to choose their own path. You see if vaccines make you feel safe then vaccinate, if they don’t then don’t. If gmo food makes you feel healthy then eat it, if it doesn’t then don’t. If public schools is best for your child then do it, if home or unschooling is best for your child then do that. If you feel safer by having an abortion then do it, if you feel safer not having an abortion then don’t have one. If you feel better using chemicals in your yard go for it, if you don’t want to use chemicals don’t. If eating vegan makes you feel healthy then do it, if eating meat makes you feel good then do that. If staying home makes you feel safe do it, if getting out in the world makes you feel safe do that. We spend all our time arguing and fighting over every detail of our lives, but why? Do the things that make you feel, safe, healthy, and happy but don’t force others to do what makes them feel sick, scared and angry. Does this mean that we should keep things the same? Of course not! There are ways to improve on every aspect and still give people choices!! If people want a happy medium there are vaccine alternatives like homeopathics, homeoprophylaxis, and immune boosting protocols. If people don’t buy in to gmo free or organic you can grow your own heirloom food in your garden or get together with neighbors and share a green house There are schools that offer some public school options while still allowing for self guided learning We can provide more educational options for sex education either at home or at school. We can have easier adoption policies that honor both sides. We can offer incentives or education for humane, fee range farms. Or education on how to have a well Balanced vegan diet. We can honor everyone’s truth as long as they don’t impede on the freedoms of others. We can have options for all differing viewpoints. We are creative intelligent beings! Let’s use this pause in society to come up with creative solutions. We all deserve clean air, clean water, clean soil, and clean food. Join me, join us, on the road to discovery as we learn to honor our truths, our visions for the future, and our new reality!


Choices during a “Pandemic”

You are right, I am wrong It’s the d$mn Democrats, no it’s the Republicans It’s the anti-vaxxers, it’s the pro-vaxxers It’s the trump loving gun slinging psychopaths It’s the people who don’t believe in science It’s the non- mask wearers, it’s the mask wearers It’s US vs THEM Ever wonder why these rhetorics are so popular? It forces us to dehumanize people It forces us to think of our fellow human as other We are all trying to figure out what this is all about. Go within your self, seek your truth. For a week turn off the television and see what intuition comes forth. It is not settled science when there is science on both sides. It is not the majority when others are afraid to speak out because of the repercussions. We are the human race having a human experience. We are shifting through the skeletons in our closets together. Fears are popping up, fears of illness, fears of loss of freedom, fears of the future we will leave for our children. I offer you a potential solution: Take ownership of your health. Look into organic (doesn’t need to be labeled as such, just non chemically sprayed food, non Gmo food) Look into the ways emotions effect your health And modalities that can help release these emotions Ask yourself why you are fearful and what you can do to move past fear and transmute it into joy Ask how you can help your local business, your neighbor or even yourself. Remember that there are two sides to every story and each side deserves a voice. If I share information that resonates with me, it doesn’t need to resonate with you. Perhaps you want to look into it, perhaps you don’t. But you do not get to call my journey and understanding of the world as fake, stupid, ignorant, dumb, heartless. I have not done over 61,000 hours of research on health alternatives because it’s the easy route. I do it because I found that the current model doesn’t work for me. If it works for you that’s great, but you do not get to force me into your model and I don’t force you to choose alternative health. We all deserve a choice! May you begin to see it as a conversation vs an argument. May you see each other as unique expressions of creation. Whatever you believe I love you! That doesn’t mean I won’t speak my truth. It means we both get a choice in believing what works best for us!


Reflections of a “Pandemic”

What if this were meant to be.... What if we were meant to see the corruption in our systems ... . So that we may create new truly balanced systems What if we were meant to see shortages in food, food being thrown, animals slaughtered.... so we may create more organic permaculture farms and humanely raised animals What if we were meant to feel fear and anger... so that we may see the humanity in everyone and that we all value abundant lives What if we were supposed to wear masks in silence... so that we may learn to use our voice to speak up against injustice What if we were meant to stay isolated... so that we may realize that humanity must feel connected to feel whole What if we have small businesses failing... so we may learn to support our local economy What if the virus was meant to spread... so we may take ownership over our health and seek true holistic healing What if we were meant to rise against each other... so we may see in the end that we are all unique individuals with a divine purpose What if all this was meant to happen so we may as individuals seek our own truth, seek health, seek community, and rise above the odds. The time has come dear ones to unite, to evolve, to trust in the process, and to love! Blessings, Earth Mothers Rising Emily Gerde
