Compassion for all humanity!

For those saying that people who want to reopen society have no compassion for those who are dying of a virus... -people die everyday of many “illnesses and disease” what have you done for them? I have written a book for people to help them on their first steps to healing. I offer free workshops and support local mamas. Perhaps instead of staying on your home watching Netflix and making bread you could be researching immune health, meditation, nutrient dense foods, offering emotional support for a friend. Perhaps more people are dying of this particular virus? If you feel this way you may want to look into how the virus is tested and the cdc website where they encourage docs to list almost everything as corona. -what of the millions who will starve from this? And many will die. Either from losing their income and becoming depressed and committing suicide, or simply not being able to buy food. What of the farmers throwing away food because restaurants don’t need it? What of all the farmers will not be able to farm because of this? Which means no food for the rest of us. Have you done anything for these people? Do you volunteer at food shelves? Do you have a yard full of gardens and fruit trees? Have you started a community garden like I am in the process of doing? Joined a garden club and invited friends? If you are truly compassionate about people’s lives you will find ways to make food available for everyone and better yet teach them how to make food for themselves! - what of all the small businesses that will tank because of this and their families? What if their child needs medical care for a disease but they no longer have the money? Through this ordeal we have been pumping money into huge corporations and congregating in large numbers vs the maybe 10 people at a time that would be in a small business🤷🏼‍♀️ Make sure you get out and support your local businesses when they open up or call them and ask if you can do pick up orders!! I am going to try and organize a small business shopping day as soon as we are freed. -This virus isn’t going away. So will we shut down every winter when it returns? It will mutate just like the flu does (if you believe in the archaic germ theory) and the flu vaccine didn’t elimate the flu but you’re going to wait for a new vaccine to save you? Let’s start talking about true health. You won’t need to live in fear because you will be confident in your vibrant health and you will have the tools (herbs, supplements, homeopathics, etc.) to keep you body in check. Staying home does nothing for your health. You need sunshine, human connection, exercise, purpose. Get outside, start researching immune and gut health, and start problem solving with your community on how to improve quality of life. Start asking the questions to your local municipalities about air, water, and soil quality and how you can help improve it. My friends and I created a community alliance that works with the local government to create hems their practices in our area. So do I have compassion for those dying of the virus! Of course i do! In fact I have spent the last 7 years helping people improve their health to be able to overcome such a virus. After healing my hashimotos with organic food, supplements, energy healing, and over 60,000 hours (about an hour per day) of research, I can say I have given much effort in helping people heal. So I choose to not give into fear, to not give up my freedom, to give others the strength and education needed to make a step toward true health. I am compassionate about all those dying, not just from this one virus. Which means I help people understand the root cause of their sicknesses, instead of locking myself in my house for a false sense of security! No staying home will not save lives! Staying home will ruin many families, businesses and people will starve, become depressed, commit suicide, and get sick from lack of fresh air, sunshine , and human connection. Everyone is welcome to believe what they wish. I only ask that you ask yourself “what am I doing to create health in myself and my community?” I also ask that you stop putting people in categories and dividing us. You tell me I am Not compassionate and yet you tell me to go sacrifice myself then since I want to be out and about 🤷🏼‍♀️ you say the anti-vaxxer Republicans are out protesting. No! Turn off your d$mn tv and think for yourself! I have compassion for everyone! Including those afraid of the virus, those still working, those not working, those staying home, those who are immune compromised, those not staying home because we are all human and we all matter! Wearing a mask and staying home will not save anyone! Boosting your physical, emotional and spiritual health will. Feel free to message me if you are ready to start your journey to health! There are amazing people across the country I can connect you with who have your true health in mind. May we all use this as a time to find true health, to support our community, and to grow as a species to love, joy, and peace. 🤘✌️💗😍🧝‍♀️🧚‍♀️📝


Matt Belair Covid Discussion Panel

Copy and Pasted from Matt Belair

Questioning the Coronavirus Pandemic: Separating Fact from Fiction with Dr. Kelly Brogan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Barre Lando 👉 Share this show 📺 Start a watch party! Support: & Watch on Youtube: #coronavirus #covid19 Collective Evolution

Solar Plexus Chakra Work

We are being asked to step into our power as we shift into a new reality. No longer does victim mentality serve us. You are the architect of your life! You are source, you are the god particle. Have you been wanting to start a new hobby ? New job? New community? Now is the time! Do you find yourself waiting for others to make decisions for you? Do you feel trapped in the current situation? Do you have constant stomach aches? We are being asked to take our power back, to honor each other’s innate gifts, to take ownership of our lives and move forward in confidence and joy! As you listen to this music imagine your self high on a mountain top accomplished, worthy, and joyful!


Respond with Love

Stay focused on your journey. Responding in hate and opposition does no good. There are those who are fearful at this time and that is their journey and their choice. I choose to explore new ideas, solutions, and to commune with creative thinkers. Use this time to start something beautiful! Myself and several amazing women have things in the works to improve our community. Focus on what you can do to create the change. Your negative posts will be deleted. Not because you don’t have a right to your opinion, because it serves no purpose to argue on a social platform. If you want to message me your data in opposition please do and I am happy to read and explore. I will also look into who funds the organization of where your data comes from. Let’s keep things kind and courteous.


Release “Victim Mentality”

No one will save you but yourself! No one is responsible for your fear but yourself. In the pause dive deep into your soul and ask yourself why am I afraid to lose, to die, to be poor, etc. Is it because you haven’t truly lived? Perhaps now is the time to let your authentic self free. The masks we are required to wear (at least where I live) are an ironic metaphor to forcing us to hide our true selves. To avoid human contact and community. No one can dim your light but you. No one can silence you but you. I send you strength to step into your power and let yourself free!! Ever wonder why you get upset about the current affairs? The feeling of helplessness is overwhelming at times, but we are not the victims. We have a choice. Collectively we are strong! Take out the skeletons from your closet and except each one. They served their purpose and are no longer needed. Accept your imperfections as the beautiful catalysts for change. You can not see light without contrast. If everything was perfect would you feel true joy? What makes the current affairs different is humanity is collectively digging through the shadows, vs those of us who have been doing the inner work for years. For some it will be too much to bare, others will feel rejuvenated and empowered. May you take this time to accept the past and move forward with rejuvenated energy to create beauty in your life and the lives around you!


Shadow Work During the “Pandemic”

The current events are forcing us to think about death, to dive into our deepest fears and sift through them. Some of us are angry that our freedom is being taken away. Others afraid of their loved ones getting hurt. What purpose does fear serve? Does it improve our chance of survival. It did at one point in history when we had to fight to survive but it no longer serves us. Can we think rationally when we are in fear? However you feel about the current affairs, we have two choices as a collective consciousness. We can choose to give into fear or rise above it. We can give all our freedoms away or we can come up with creative solutions that don’t impede on freedoms. We want to save everyone, but can we? Of course I don’t want anyone to die, and yet such is a part of life. We chose this human experience and when my time is up, it’s up. And I am ok with that because I choose to live in a world where I believe humanity is good. Where people are loving, caring, and beautiful. I live In a world where people help each other, learn from each other, and build community. I choose the people I surround myself with, the things I listen to and watch that lift me up. I am also aware of the manipulation, the fear mongering, the propaganda. You can shine your light but take no sh$t. My children deserve medical freedom, my children deserve clean air and water, a thriving community, creative solutions, teamwork, and abundant food. This is the opportunity for us to collectively decide how to move forward in a way that opens the doors for all beautiful souls to shine. We are all playing our part in this shift. Even if it’s small like speaking your truth, or large like changing policy. May you be inspired to take a step each day towards a new way of life where we have a say in our communities. Where we are heard, and where we can compromise with opposing views. We may be on the brink of realizing there is no right or wrong only personal expressions of truth. May you choose the path that excites your soul! May you step into your power and begin anew. Now more than ever we must see our neighbor as equal. We may not agree with each other, but we are still all human and all deserve the option to be abundant in all areas.


Google Degree Explained

I do not have a google degree, a Facebook degree, or a conspiracy theorist degree. I have a masters degree in education. I was taught how to help others learn and think critically. Here is what I know -you need to research both sides of an argument to make an informed decision -you need to know who funded the study and what financial gains may be acquired from a certain outcome -you need to know if the study has been replicated at least twice with the same outcome -you need a reputable resource... this one is fun, let’s dive in. * what is a reputable source? Is it a source that everyone agrees is reputable? Is it because it is funded by certain people or businesses? Is it because they have a degree and if they have a degree who funded the curriculum of this degree? Is a source reliable because the news says so? Is it reliable because some one “reliable” says it’s reliable? Remember when studies showed cigarettes weren’t bad for you? Remember when doctors prescribed heroin? Perhaps a reliable source is someone who is passionate and has many life experiences in their area of expertise. Or someone who has put in countless hours of study? Did you not become an expert in your field from studying what other people wrote? Did you not become and expert from countless hours of research? You can find third party studies on both sides of an argument in this era, so let’s be mindful when we bash someone’s research -you need to trust your instincts and go with your heart. Science has become the new religion. This can be tricky because we put all our faith in one persons study that was done once. What about the 1,000s of year of anecdotal evidence to support human health? Is that not to be considered in our decision making. Some times our gut instincts vary. Does that make the other person wrong? Perhaps the difference is my holistic perspective doesn’t force anything upon you. My views don’t take away your freedom. You have the choice to stay home and be safe if that’s what you feel is best. You have the choice to get a vaccine. You have the choice to eat junk food, smoke and drink. You have the choice to be pro choice, pro life, vegan, or vegetarian. The difference is when your beliefs take away my freedoms. My freedom to choose what goes in my body. My freedom to take my child to the park, the chiropractor, the beach, because that is what keeps our family happy which in turn keeps us healthy. - we all have the right to believe what we wish. That is what makes this human experience beautiful, exciting, challenging, and joyful. You do not get to call me ignorant, insensitive, a conspiracy theorist, or killer. You have a right to feel safe, and so do I! The difference is I don’t feel safe being locked in my home and stripped of all my freedoms, and you do. The difference is you can choose to do that either way but I can’t choose freedom right now. - We all want people to live, love, and be happy. We all have different ideas of what that looks like. Death is a part of life, illness is a part of life. Instead of shutting everything down, let’s reopen with a new vision for health. Let’s boost our immune systems as we see fit. Let’s build community and support local business. Let’s plant a garden, give away what we don’t need to those who need it. Let’s take this as a time to do better, be better, and let everyone find their own path to abundant health.
